
Barb is one of the owner-operators of Precision Mobile Tyres along with her partner, Mike. With a passion for helping others and a focus on family, Barb brings a friendly and supportive attitude to every job.

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What led you to start Precision Mobile Tyres? How did you get into the industry?

At the start of 2021 we planned to move home in August however a few weeks before we had planned to pack up the house and jump on a plane to leave Australia Covid came knocking. NZ borders were closing and we had a few days to get me and kids sorted to jump on the last plane out of Brisbane on 31st July. We made the decision that Mike would stay back to pack up house and finish off work for what we thought would be a maximum of 8 weeks. Little did we know it was going to be a lot longer and the “joy” of the MIQ system! We were grateful to secure a place for Mike and 3 months later after two weeks in MIQ we were reunited. The one positive of the MIQ was Mike had time to decide what he wanted to do in Dunedin… and thanks to Trade me he found a fully kitted out mobile tyre truck which soon become Precision Mobile Tyres our own family business.

What's your favourite type of vehicle to work on?

Best thing about living in Dunedin?

"The People!! After spending boarding school and uni in Dunedin I have loved coming back and reconnecting with friends from years gone by. Also after living in big cities like Brisbane and London I love being able to get anywhere in Dunedin in like 10-15mins!! Actually AMAZING"

What do you like to do in your free time?

"Spend time with family and friends, getting away to our family spot at Galloway and when time allows getting out on golf course with Mike and kids. Love watching sport too especially rugby (#UpLanders) and after playing for 20years loving where women’s rugby is at too. #UpMatatu!"

Would you rather always arrive at a red traffic light or experience slow internet every time the sun goes down?

Red traffic light definitely! With young kids slow internet and dinner time would be too painful sometimes haha

What are the best Southlander qualities that you bring to Precision Mobile Tyres?

Life is hard at the best of times so always being friendly and doing what we can to help can go a long way.

What's your favourite thing about Precision Mobile Tyres?

What's your favourite thing in the whole wide world?

What is your favourite type of vehicle?